Version Release Notes

Release Date: 4/19/2016

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software release on 4/19/2016.

FSS Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. We have updated the FSS Case screen, for a newly added participant, to prevent potential errors. On the Current Information tab, the three radio buttons in the Contract Information section are now set to No by default: "Family receive selection preference ... ," "Contract completed," and Move to homeownership." (Cases: HOP-1326 and HOP-1368)

General Ledger

WinTen² Program Version:

Bug Report

1. We have updated budget reports, so that they now show only accounts that were active when the budget was created. (Case: HOP-1543)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated the rent calculations for mixed family prorated subsidy, based on a recent rule change from HUD. For mixed families, Maximum Rent is now equal to the Flat Rent value, and the rent amount is the higher of Flat Rent or the calculated TTP. (Case HOP-1540)
2. We have updated the calculations for earned income disallowance (EID), based on a recent rule change from HUD. Going forward, new families enrolling in EID are eligible for one lifetime EID period of 24 consecutive months. (Case HOP-1570)

Bug Reports

1. We have fixed an error where selecting a tenant under Community Service Tracking would return an error saying the tenant has not completed a certification. (Case: HOP-1529)
2. We have fixed an error in the Search All Data Areas for Tenant wizard, so that it now searches only in Data Areas for which the current user has authorization. (Case: HOP-355)

Copyright © Tenmast Software 2019

An MRI Software Company